Tax Deductibility of Interest on Boat Loans (time sensitive)
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 163 (h) (2) states that a taxpayer may deduct any qualified interest on a qualified residence. Qualified residences are defined as a principal residence (e.g., a primary home) and one other residence (including second homes) owned by the taxpayer for the purpose of deductibility for the tax year. IRC section 163(h)(3) defines qualified residence interest as any interest paid or accrued during the tax year on acquisition or home equity indebtedness with respect to any qualified residence of the taxpayer.
According to IRC section 163(h) (4), a boat will be considered a qualified residence if it is one of the two residences chosen by the taxpayer for purposes of deductibility in the tax year. A qualified residence must have basic living accommodations including sleeping space (berth), a toilet (head), and cooking facilities (galley). If the boat is also chartered, the taxpayer will have to use the boat for personal purposes for either more than 14 days or 10% of the number of days during the year the boat was actually rented, to qualify for the interest deduction in accordance with IRC section 280A(d)(1).