Leilani Wales, GEO Chair, hosting 1st GEO meeting with Women of the Marine Industry
The new GEO (Growth, Expansion, Outreach) Committee will bolster the CYBA’s national reputation as an industry leader in its advocacy for our broker-members, our clients, and our profession. With this newly established committee and focus, we will be striving to incorporate the three GEO tenets in a number of ways: building a more diverse membership, especially as pertains to women and minorities; outreach to the broader recreational boating community, by focusing on alliances with like-minded boating, clean water, and natural resource access advocates; identifying and supporting charitable causes and entities.
Through these actions, we hope to raise the awareness of the economic opportunities to be found in boat and yacht sales, and to call attention to the huge annual economic impact that recreational boating contributes to the State of California. The legacy and measure of the success of the GEO Committee will be quantified in the new faces and enlightened individuals, inside and outside of boating, that will come to see the lasting benefits – personal, social, and economic – that boating brings to the quality of life in California.
Leilani Wales, Chairperson, leilani@aglyachtsales.com, 1.360,621.4682